Migrating Extended Event Sessions from one server to another should be a simple task. So simple, one would think there was no need to give it a second thought, right?
Well, I have previously written about this topic, you are welcome to read it here. The article discusses quite a bit about scripting out your XE Sessions. One thing lacking in that article is the ability to script out every session on a server.
If you are still not using Extended Events, I recommend checking out this library of articles that will cover just about all of the basics concerning Extended Events.
New and Improved
What about scripting out all of the sessions in SSMS? Surely there is an easy way to do that, right? Well, you might think that. Let me step through the problem that I have seen in SSMS (and unfortunately it is not consistent).
First, from Object Explorer Details (or F5), let’s try to script a single session.
When scripting a single session from the “Object Explorer Details”, I have several sub-menus that allow me to script the session to a “New Query Editor Window”. Now, let’s see what happens when trying to script multiple sessions.
With several sessions selected, I try yet again to script the sessions and I get an unwanted result. Notice that the “Script Session as” option is grayed out and unusable. However, if I try it again (several times or maybe just once, your mileage may vary and it seems to not be relevant to version of SSMS), I may see something like this.
Tada! Luck was with me and it finally worked that time. So, what should I do to be able to consistently script all of sessions? Well, that comes with an enhancement to the script I presented in the prior article here.
Lets just dive straight into the new script.
SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @statement VARCHAR(MAX) , @statement1 VARCHAR(MAX) , @statement2 VARCHAR(MAX) , @sessionname VARCHAR(128) -- = 'AlwaysOn_health' -- 'system_health' , @csessionname VARCHAR(128) , @XeFilePath VARCHAR(256) , @IsDefaultPath TINYINT /* order of events scripted is different default order of creation is different than if scripted from the gui the gui scripts by alpha order of package then event while original creation has order by event_id only */ , @eventorder VARCHAR(64) = 'original'; --'original' for order based on original script, --'ssms' for order based on ssms guy scripter DECLARE xessions CURSOR LOCAL STATIC FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY FOR SELECT ses.name FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses WHERE ses.name = ISNULL(@sessionname, ses.name) ORDER BY ses.name; OPEN xessions; FETCH NEXT FROM xessions INTO @csessionname; DECLARE @ErrorLog VARCHAR(256) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(256), SERVERPROPERTY('ErrorLogFileName')); DECLARE @ErrorPath VARCHAR(256) = LEFT(@ErrorLog, LEN(@ErrorLog) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(@ErrorLog)) + 1); WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields sesf ON ses.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id WHERE sesf.name = 'filename' AND ses.name = @csessionname ) BEGIN IF ( SELECT CHARINDEX('\', CONVERT(VARCHAR(256), sesf.value)) FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields sesf ON ses.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id WHERE sesf.name = 'filename' AND ses.name = @csessionname ) > 0 BEGIN SELECT @XeFilePath = LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(256), sesf.value), LEN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(256), sesf.value)) - CHARINDEX( '\' , REVERSE(CONVERT( VARCHAR(256) , sesf.value ) ) ) + 1) FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields sesf ON ses.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id WHERE sesf.name = 'filename' AND ses.name = @csessionname; END; ELSE BEGIN IF ( SELECT TOP 1 LEFT(t2.file_name, LEN(t2.file_name) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(t2.file_name)) + 1) AS XEFilePath FROM ( SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(128), sesf.value), '.xel', '*.xel') AS targetvalue , ses.name AS SessionName FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields sesf ON ses.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id WHERE sesf.name = 'filename' AND ses.name = @csessionname ) cte1 CROSS APPLY sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(cte1.targetvalue, NULL, NULL, NULL) t2 ) IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @XeFilePath = ( SELECT TOP 1 LEFT(t2.file_name, LEN(t2.file_name) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(t2.file_name)) + 1) AS XEFilePath FROM ( SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(128), sesf.value), '.xel', '*.xel') AS targetvalue , ses.name AS SessionName FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields sesf ON ses.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id WHERE sesf.name = 'filename' AND ses.name = @csessionname ) cte1 CROSS APPLY sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file( cte1.targetvalue , NULL , NULL , NULL ) t2 ); END; ELSE BEGIN SELECT @XeFilePath = @ErrorPath; SELECT @XeFilePath , @ErrorPath; END; END; END; IF @ErrorPath = @XeFilePath BEGIN SET @IsDefaultPath = 1; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @IsDefaultPath = 0; END; SELECT @statement = 'USE master; GO -- Create the Event Session IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions WHERE name = ' + ses.name + ' ) DROP EVENT SESSION ' + ses.name + ' ON SERVER; GO ' FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses WHERE ses.name = @csessionname; IF @IsDefaultPath = 1 BEGIN SET @statement = @statement + ''; END; ELSE BEGIN SET @statement = @statement + ' EXECUTE xp_create_subdir ''' + @XeFilePath + '''; GO ' ; END; SELECT @statement = @statement + ' CREATE EVENT SESSION [' + ses.name + '] ON SERVER ' FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses WHERE ses.name = @csessionname; WITH presel AS (SELECT ses.name AS SessionName , sese.event_id , sese.package , 'ADD EVENT ' + sese.package + '.' + sese.name + ' (' AS EventName , CASE WHEN ISNULL(sese.predicate, '') = '' THEN ')' ELSE 'WHERE ' + sese.predicate + ' )' END AS SQLPredicate , CASE WHEN ISNULL(sesf.EventSetOps, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'SET ' + sesf.EventSetOps + '' END AS SETOperation FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_events sese ON ses.event_session_id = sese.event_session_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ST2.event_session_id , ST2.object_id , SUBSTRING( ( SELECT ', ' + ST1.name + '=' + '(' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), ST1.value) + ')' AS [text()] FROM sys.server_event_session_fields ST1 INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_events sese ON sese.event_session_id = ST1.event_session_id AND sese.event_id = ST1.object_id WHERE ST1.event_session_id = ST2.event_session_id AND ST1.object_id = ST2.object_id ORDER BY ST1.object_id FOR XML PATH('') ) , 3 , 8000 ) [EventSetOps] FROM sys.server_event_session_fields ST2 ) sesf ON sese.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id AND sese.event_id = sesf.object_id WHERE ses.name = @csessionname) , actpresel AS (SELECT ses.name AS SessionName , sesa.event_session_id , sesa.event_id , sesa.package + '.' + sesa.name AS ActPack FROM sys.server_event_session_events sese INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_actions sesa ON sese.event_session_id = sesa.event_session_id AND sese.event_id = sesa.event_id INNER JOIN sys.server_event_sessions ses ON sesa.event_session_id = ses.event_session_id WHERE ses.name = @csessionname) , pstuff AS (SELECT p.SessionName , p.event_id , 'ACTION ( ' + STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + pin.ActPack + ' ' FROM actpresel pin WHERE pin.SessionName = p.SessionName AND pin.event_id = p.event_id FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') , 1 , 2 , '' ) + ' )' AS ActionPack FROM actpresel p GROUP BY p.SessionName , p.event_id) SELECT @statement1 = @statement + STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + CAST(p.EventName + ' ' + p.SETOperation + ' ' + CASE WHEN ISNULL(ps.ActionPack, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE ps.ActionPack END + ' ' + p.SQLPredicate + ' ' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS EventStatement FROM presel p LEFT OUTER JOIN pstuff ps ON p.SessionName = ps.SessionName AND p.event_id = ps.event_id ORDER BY p.event_id --ORDER BY p.package, p.EventName FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') , 1 , 2 , '' ) , @statement2 = @statement + STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + CAST(p.EventName + ' ' + p.SETOperation + ' ' + CASE WHEN ISNULL(ps.ActionPack, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE ps.ActionPack END + ' ' + p.SQLPredicate + ' ' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS EventStatement FROM presel p LEFT OUTER JOIN pstuff ps ON p.SessionName = ps.SessionName AND p.event_id = ps.event_id ORDER BY p.package , p.EventName FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') , 1 , 2 , '' ); IF @eventorder = 'original' BEGIN SET @statement = @statement1; END; IF @eventorder = 'ssms' BEGIN SET @statement = @statement2; END; SELECT @statement = @statement + STUFF( ( SELECT ', ' + ' ADD TARGET ' + sest.package + '.' + sest.name + CASE WHEN ISNULL(ca.setop, '') = '' THEN ' ' ELSE ' (SET ' + ca.setop + ' ) ' END FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_targets sest ON ses.event_session_id = sest.event_session_id CROSS APPLY ( SELECT STUFF( ( SELECT ', ' + CAST(sesf.name AS VARCHAR(128)) + ' = ' + CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(CAST(sesf.value AS VARCHAR(128))) = 1 THEN '( ' + CAST(sesf.value AS VARCHAR(128)) + ' ) ' ELSE 'N''' + CAST(sesf.value AS VARCHAR(128)) + ''' ' END AS setop FROM sys.server_event_session_fields sesf INNER JOIN sys.server_event_sessions sesi ON sesi.event_session_id = sesf.event_session_id INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_targets sesti ON sesf.object_id = sesti.target_id AND sesi.event_session_id = sesti.event_session_id WHERE sest.target_id = sesti.target_id AND sest.event_session_id = sesti.event_session_id FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') , 1 , 2 , '' ) ) AS ca(setop) WHERE ses.name = @csessionname FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') , 1 , 2 , '' ); SELECT @statement = @statement + CAST('WITH ( MAX_MEMORY = ' + CAST(ses.max_memory AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' KB ,EVENT_RETENTION_MODE = ' + ses.event_retention_mode_desc + ' , MAX_DISPATCH_LATENCY = ' + CAST(ses.max_dispatch_latency / 1000 AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' SECONDS , MAX_EVENT_SIZE = ' + CAST(ses.max_event_size AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' KB , MEMORY_PARTITION_MODE = ' + ses.memory_partition_mode_desc + ' , TRACK_CAUSALITY = ' + CASE ses.track_causality WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ' , STARTUP_STATE = ' + CASE ses.startup_state WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END + ' );' AS VARCHAR(1024)) FROM sys.server_event_sessions ses WHERE ses.name = @csessionname; PRINT @statement; FETCH NEXT FROM xessions INTO @csessionname; END; CLOSE xessions; DEALLOCATE xessions;
This is a rather lengthy script, so I won’t explain the entire thing. That said, this script will produce the exact XE Session as it was written when you deployed it to the server. In addition, the script will ensure the destination directory for the event_file target is created as a part of the script.
I can definitely hear the gears of thought churning as you ponder about this whole scenario. Surely, you have all of your XE Sessions stored in source control so there is no need whatsoever for this little script. Then again, that would be in an ideal environment. Sadly, source control is seldom considered for XE Sessions. Thus, it is always good to have a backup plan.
Sadly, I had the very need of migrating a ton of sessions from one server to another recently and the methods in SSMS just wouldn’t work. There was no source control in the environment. Building out this little script saved me tons of time in migrating all of the sessions for this server and also provided me with a good script to place in source control.
In the article today, I have provided an excellent tool for backing up all of your XE sessions on the server. This script will help create the necessary scripts for all of your XE Sessions (or even just a single session if you like) in order to migrate the sessions to a new server or place them in source control.
To read more about Extended Events, I recommend this series of articles.